Even these days, when you tell your family and friends you’re going to go travelling, one of the most common responses normally sits somewhere along the lines of ‘but how are you going to make money?’ or ‘what about your career?’ While it’s favourable to have some money in the bank for emergencies and backup, thanks to modern technology, it has never been easier to travel around the world on your own adventure and earn money at the same time!
Full-time travel has become a popular goal for many people around the world, and there’s no reason why you should miss out! Still scratching your head for ideas on where to get started? Here’s a collection of some of the best ways to earn money whilst travelling overseas.
1) Become A Freelance Writer
One of the most popular ways to earn money while travelling is to become a freelance writer or a general freelancer. This is also one of the best ways to kickstart whatever career you’re thinking about joining if you can find the work in your preferred industry. Using freelancing platforms like Freelancer and UKTopWriters, you can find plenty of writing jobs for businesses and individuals around the world.
Luckily, all you need for this role is a computer or laptop (or even a tablet these days!), a word processor and an internet connection and you’ll be ready to start! As a bonus tip, try signing up to sites like this before you travel so you can build up your client base and secure those all-important reviews from clients.
To make things even easier for you, you can access a range of free online writing tools and services like Grammarix, Easy Word Count and Cite It In to help you create high-quality articles and blogs your clients are going to love!
2) Working Farms And Smallholdings
Seasonal working has also been a popular choice of work for travellers for many decades now. However, in recent years, it has become far easier to find jobs that are available using websites like HelpX. Here you can find jobs from working with animals, and carrying out jobs like feeding them and mucking them out, to fruit picking on farms and even pressing wine grapes with your feet!
There are so many opportunities in this section that it would take a lifetime to list them all, but you’ll want to find your dream destination and see which months the harvest season falls in to find the most work.
3) Write Resumes
It’s not easy writing about yourself and this is a common problem shared by individuals around the world. A resume is one of the most essential parts of the job hunting process and people want to make sure that they’re getting it right.
If you’ve got a knack for writing in such a way, then writing resumes for sites like Resumention are great ways to earn money while travelling since all you need is a laptop and a bit of creativity.
4) Working At Festivals
One of the happiest places you can go to on Earth is a festival. Not only will you get to soak up some glorious sunshine and listen to and admire some of the best artists in the world, but you’ll also get to meet a whole range of people from around the world and make memories that will last a lifetime.
So, instead of travelling using the traditional way of jumping on a plane and jetting off to a new destination, why not run a festival circuit by travelling from festival to festival and working with artists and side stages, or stalls and food outlets?
Not only will most of these give you the ability to access the festival for free, but you can also get paid for what you do, and you’ll meet some amazing people while working there. There’s also the chance of free food if you secure a place on a food stall!
5) Working In Hospitality
This is perhaps one of the most obvious ways to earn money while travelling, but it’s still one of the most popular and most effective ways to work. Whether you’re searching online before you travel or simply walking into a bar, restaurant or café while you’re on your journey – serving in the hospitality industry is easy, friendly and great work experience.
Not only will you get to meet people and make friends with the other staff, you’ll also be able to fund your travels and potentially have some of the best nights of your life! What’s more, you’ll even have the opportunity to earn tips on top of your wage.
6) Write Reviews
In this modern day and age where the vast majority of people are buying products and services online, reviews have never been more important. These reviews tell of a customer’s past experience with a business and whether or not they should choose it for themselves. However, someone needs to write these reviews, especially for websites that dedicate themselves to providing people with these reviews, such as Best British Essays or Best Australian Writers.
7) Become An Au Pair
If you don’t mind working with children, this could be the ideal way to earn money while you’re travelling. In most cases, you’ll sign up to au pair platform, much like AuPairWorld, where you can create an account and chat with families around the world who are looking for nannies for their children. You will likely get a live in position where you eat, sleep and hang out with them while getting paid to look after the children. This is a great way to meet new people and to see what life is really like in your dream destination.
8) Help With Essays And Assignments
One of the most popular times to go travelling for many girls is between leaving education and starting out in the world of work. What better way to sign off your time in school, college or university than travelling to your dream destination?
However, why put the skills you learned in education to waste. Whether you specialise in a certain subject or just have a talent for writing comprehensive essays and assignments, there are plenty of students out there willing to pay for someone to help them complete theirs. Luckily for us, there is also a tonne of services out there that cater to this market that are always looking for writers.
9) Teach English
This is by far one of the most popular ways in which girls and boys around the world are earning money while travelling. All you need to do before you start travelling is sign up to earn an English teaching qualification, such as TEFL, and complete it.
Then search online for an English teaching position in your dream country, whether it’s for kids or adults, sign up, have the interview, and you’ll be ready to move out and start a new chapter of your life in paradise!
10) Write Writing Guides
As you can see, there are many jobs listed above which involve writing for people, businesses and clients around the world. With so many writing jobs available, more and more people are trying to find their way into the industry. However, not everybody can write professionally and they are searching online for people and blogs to help them hone their skills.
To cater for this educational market, websites like Via Writing and Academadvisor exist, and they’re always looking for new writers to add to their growing collections of blog posts.
11) Get Creative
If you’ve heard of online stores like Etsy, you’ll already be aware of just how big the market is for handmade products. If you’re good with your hands or find that you’re particularly artsy, this could be the ideal way for you to make money while you’re travelling.
From greetings cards to jewellery, there are dozens of sites out there where you can make and upload your own products to sell to people all over the world. This is a great way to earn money while you’re travelling, just make sure you pay attention to the postage rates you’re charging!
12) Travel Photographer
Granted, this is probably one of the most difficult and highly competitive industries to enter, and it can be difficult to earn money and travel at the same time, but it’s not impossible. Ideally, you’ll want to get in contact with a travel magazine who will pay for you to go on assignment to a certain destination. It also helps if you can write about the place you’re visiting.
Alternatively, you can take photos during your travels and send them off to publications to buy from you. Finally, you can upload your photos to stock imagery sites to get paid when they are downloaded. Of course, some of these methods will take time for you to get paid, so it’s best to couple it with one of the jobs listed above until you manage to get yourself off the ground!
Have you ever worked while traveling? We’d love to hear your stories, tips or questions in the comment section below!
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Read More About Working Abroad
- How I Traveled To 11 Countries By Working Abroad
- 13 Ways To Save Money To Travel
We Are Travel Girls Contributor Jennifer Scott
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Natalia says
I always just assuming teaching English is the best way to travel and work. It’s great to see a bigger selection!
We Are Travel Girls says
Thanks for reading Natalia, glad that you enjoyed this article and found it useful! Becky, Founder – We Are Travel Girls
James Frosting says
There are a lot of ways to make money while traveling, I’ve tried multiple methods. Recently my favorite way has been to use Glocalzone. I bring products for people who demand products from the places I visit and earn money on the commission. It has been an incredibly easy way to make money on the side while helping people out.
Timothy Gagnon says
Great ideas. I think the freelance writing and teaching English tips are probably the most useful. Even if you teach English part time, it can be enough to life comfortably in some Asian countries. Thanks for writing the post, a lot of awesome ideas.
Arpit says
Yeah! Great Tips <3 Travel More.
Charly Wiliamse says