Thanks for your interest in writing for We Are Travel Girls! We are excited to share your story with our followers. Before submitting your informative travel story, please read through this guide to learn about our expectations for content and photography.
Why Publish With We Are Travel Girls?
We Are Travel Girls is a travel site written for women by women. We carefully curate and publish only the best female travel stories from around the globe making our site a go to resource for female travel inspiration and tips.
We separate ourselves from other travel sites by publishing 5 authentic stories per week written by thousands of female writers from around the world. Because of the diversity of our writers and content we have amassed a dedicated audience and community eager to read your article.
- Link to your social networks and blog in the Author bio
- Your article will be sent to our mailing list on the day of publishing and again in the weekly Latest From The Blog email sent to our subscribers
- Link to relevant complementary articles on your own blog creating valuable backlinks
- Your article will be shared on our Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram stories
- Reach over 100,000+ readers who visit our website every month
- By writing for us you are making the first step to becoming an Ambassador which has perks like discounts on our Getaways, hosts events and the opportunity to represent WATG on press trips
- Your travel story will also inspire female travel, giving other women confidence and courage to see more of this beautiful world.
You can read our article 6 Reasons To Write For We Are Travel Girls for more information.
What Content Do We Publish
We Are Travel Girls publishes informative travel stories written by women for women. We publish content on any and all topics relating to travel. Our writers have scoured the globe to bring you the most interesting and relevant content possible, and our tireless WATG team curates, edits and publishes these stories to create a go to site for female travel inspiration and travel tips.
We only publish hotel reviews written WATG Founders or Ambassadors, so please DO NOT submit hotel reviews.
Structuring Your Article
To aid in the ease of reading and planning for our community, we keep all of our blog posts in the same structure. When you are preparing your unique post it is important that you do the same. To make it easier for you, we have created this submissions guide for you to understand what we are looking for in every submission. The following sections are designed to help you structure your post in the required WATG format: planning, introduction, body, conclusion, photography, and final edits process.
Planning Your Post
- Please submit new, original content or a story from your blog that you have completely re-written for We Are Travel Girls. We do not publish duplicate content, duplicate content affects both our site and your site in Google rankings. If your story is published and you subsequently publish the same post on your blog or elsewhere, we will remove the post and we will not be able to publish from you again in the future.
- In order to feature authentic stories We Are Travel Girls limits the amount of editing we do on story submissions. However, we do reserve the right make edits to your post for SEO, required links, additional information, grammar, photo sourcing etc. We also reserve the right to include sourced photographs if required, to add information about hotels and places to stay in the area and to add affiliate links.
- Looking for inspiration on what to write? See our Post Inspiration Page to see what activities, destinations and topics we are currently looking for posts on.
Part One: Introduction
- Every post must include an introduction to grab the reader’s attention and get them excited about the rest of the content. It’s also important to outline what will be discussed in the entire post. Please start with 1-3 paragraphs of introducing our community to your topic.
- Here’s an example of an introductory paragraph:
- A QUICK GUIDE TO STOCKHOLM Stockholm is, in my opinion, one of the coolest cities in Europe. Located on Sweden’s east coast, this capital city is famous for its great restaurants, fun nightlife and beautiful people. And like the people, the city of Stockholm is also stunning. This Baltic Sea archipelago boasts 14 islands and more than 50 bridges! With a population of roughly 910,000, Stockholm is the most populous city in the Nordic countries. But the magical architecture of Gamla Stan (old town) with its colorful buildings and cobblestone streets – along with the meandering waterways and beautiful parks – make this city feel small and intimate. Here’s a quick guide to Stockholm to help you make the most of your visit to the coolest city in Europe!
- For more information you can read 9 Simple Ways to Write Stronger Introductions
Part Two: Body
- In the bulk of your post you should be describing your topic to our community. Please keep your stories between 6-15 paragraphs and your paragraphs between 3-6 sentences.
- All titles should be written in CAPITALS and help separate each section of your post. You can also use the text editor to set these headers to Heading 3 within the submission form.
- This will ensure we can hold the reader’s attention throughout the post. See example post Here.
- Please include a section on places to stay, where to eat and other tourist attractions in your post this will help our readers to plan their trip and follow your recommendations.
- Please make sure that you use relevant links. We will not consider your story for publication if you do not include any links, as these are very helpful for our readers during their travels. To do this you can use the icon that looks like a paperclip on the text editor in the submission form to add your links. We will not consider your story for publication if you do not include links.
- For more information you can read 14 Tips On How To Write A Good Blog Post
Part Three: Conclusion
- Please include a concise conclusion that wraps up the entire post and summarizes the main message of the blog post. Leave our readers with something to consider, lasting words to remember, or tips for what the next steps are after they read your post.
- For more information you can read Writing a Developed & Detailed Conclusion
Final Edits
- Please check spelling/grammar before you submit. It is extremely important that every post is easy to read and grammatically correct. Because of this our team works tirelessly to ensure every piece of content is of a high standard. Planning a trip is time consuming! Finding informative, well-written, easy to read travel stories should be easy! We want our posts to excite and help our readers with their future travels. Please help us do this by re-reading your story before submission to check for spelling and grammar errors.
- We highly recommend using Grammarly or asking a friend to proofread your post. If the editing is too time consuming for our WATG team we will not be able to publish your post.
- Please submit 1-3 photographs per paragraph and 1 additional featured image. The feature image should be horizontal and capture the essence of the story as it will be the photo featured at the top of the post. Additionally, if you would like to be featured on the We Are Travel Girls Instagram Page, please include a high resolution vertical photo that has you in it, in the style of the We Are Travel Girls Instagram page. See examples here. Please note we do not guarantee a feature on Instagram.
- All photos (expect the Instagram photo) the must be between 250KB – 500KB. How To Resize Your Pictures and Resize Tool.
- Please title your photos in this format: name-of-the-photo.jpg How To Re-Name Your Pictures. If your story is about Chicago, for example, every photo should have Chicago in the title i.e. the-bean-chicago.jpg.
- Photos should correlate to the content in each section of the post. For example, if you are writing “6 Tips on Travel Photography,” structure the photos to correlate with each of the 6 sections.
- When you upload your photos on our Contribute page, a red X will appear. The red X appearing next to your uploaded photo means it loaded correctly and you can click it to delete the photo. If your photos are uploading slowing it is probably due to a poor internet connection, so try again when you have better WiFi.
- We Are Travel Girls has the right to use alternate featured image and / or source images for your posts if the photos you provided are not high enough quality. If your post is 8 paragraphs we need to receive between 8-24 photos or we will need to source additional photos.
- Please only submit photos you own the rights to. Thank you!
Things To Note
- We Are Travel Girls does not pay for contributor posts. Additionally, We Are Travel Girls will not publish dedicated reviews for a hotel, brand or destination that you have secured a collaboration with. Please DO NOT contact any brand, destination or hotel stating you will be able to feature them in an article on We Are Travel Girls. If you are a brand or destination please contact us if you are interested in discussing a collaboration [email protected].
- By submitting your story and photos you are not considered an employee of We Are Travel Girls and should not represent yourself as such.
- You retain all rights to your media.
- Have questions? Email us: [email protected].
I Have Submitted My Post, What’s Next?
If your story is chosen to be featured you will be notified via email. Please note, we only publish informative travel stories that include relevant content, travel tips, knowledge and insight that will help our readers on their travels, so please consider this when you submit a post. We have included detailed guidelines to help your story be selected, so please ensure you follow all of these.
Due to the volume of submissions that we receive, if your story is not selected to be published we will let you know via email, but we will not be able to provide you with specific feedback on why it was not chosen. Please also note that we plan our publishing schedule around 1-2 months in advance, so you may not hear from us for while, please don’t worry we will be in touch!
Thank you for being a part of our travel community!